Model FTV-7
Make Your Home a Less Appealing Target for a Low Price
The FTV-7 provides the same great occupancy simulation as our slightly larger models, for a little less money. So buy several and give them to your friends and loved-ones.
- Simulate a 27″‘TV
- One timer setting: Dusk + 5 Hrs
Perfect for a bedroom
Model FTV-11
A Brighter FakeTV for More Impact Simulates a 40 inch Television
The FTV-11 simulates the light of a 40″ LCD television. It is thus three times brighter than the FTV-10, making it a better choice for larger rooms.
- Simulates a 40″ TV
- Two timers settings: Dusk + 4 Hrs, Dusk +7 Hrs
Our brightest model. Emulates a wide screen television for a family room.
Model FTV-10
Convincing Occupancy Simulation Simulates a 27 Inch Television
The FTV-10 provides the same great occupancy simulation as our slightly larger models, for a little less money. So buy several and give them to your friends and loved-ones.
- Simulates a 27″ TV
- Two timers settings: Dusk + 4 Hrs, Dusk +7 Hrs
Perfect for a bedroom
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